By Charlotte Lowrie
Easter is a wondrous time of reflection, of giving thanks, and of self-examination. With this post, I'll share some insights from prayer for Easter and after-Easter celebrations.
The Lord reminds me often in prayer to, "Be watchful, for the end is near." Also, He says to strengthen one another in the faith, to pray for one another often, and to gather together with other believers. In addition, we are to lean on each other for strength.
Give praise to God, and in all things to give thanks. Be watchful and do not be deceived by false teachers. If a teacher comes in, test the teaching according to the Scriptures.
"Wait and watch for My return," the Lord says, "for it will be soon." "Be ready. Have oil enough for your lamps, else you'll be left outside in the dark."
And remember, "Do not fear, for I have already overcome satan and death."
Rejoice for the end is near! Come, Lord Jesus, come.
My prayers are with all of you around the world.