Welcome to "Every Day with Christ." This is a space to share thoughts and insights about following Christ in everyday life. I will post Bible verses, personal experiences, and pictures. I hope that you will be inspired to share stories of how Christ is working in your everyday life.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Watch for the Lord's Coming
As the New Year begins, I asked the Lord what Christians should focus on in 2013. He responded with a message that is as powerful as it is simple. "Watch for My coming." The signs that the Lord gave us to watch for are coming together even as I write this article. The Lord cautions us to "be aware." We should be the watchmen on the wall, warning and reminding each other that His coming is near -- even at the door.
During these times, satan will try to take our spiritual awareness from us, making us dull of heart. We must always rebuke and resist satan. If it is hard to rebuke and resist, as the Lord for help. Focus always on the Lord. Churches in New York City hold services virtually around the clock at 10, 12, 2, 5, 7, and 9, and all services have lines of people waiting to get into the service. Others report that Iran is experiencing the greatest Christian revival in the world. Revival is also happening in South America, China, and part of Asia and Africa. There is a hunger for the Lord in diverse places. Let us be part of the revival.
Between now and then, we should be doing exactly what the Lord has given us to do. In Mark 13, the Lord says,
"But concerning that day or that hour, no one know, not even the angels in heaven, not the Son, but only the Father. Be on guard, keep awake. For you do not know when the time will come. It is like a man going on a journey, when he leaves home and puts his servants in charge, each with his work, and commands the doorkeeper to stay awake. Therefore stay awake--for you do not know when the mast of the house will come, in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or in the morning--lest he come suddenly and find you asleep. And what I say to you I say to all: Stay awake." (Mark 13:32-37 ESV)
In the meantime, pray that the Lord will come quickly. Pray for the unsaved. And pray faithfully for our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world.
And in the words of Christ, "Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom his master has set over his household, to give them their food at the proper time? Blessed is that servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes. Truly, I say to you, he will set him over all his possessions." (Matthew 24: 45-47 ESV)
I wish you all a blessed New Year.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
A Most Blessed Season
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Encouraging Your Creativity
By Charlotte Lowrie
Some of the most popular posts on this Web site are those that focus on creativity. That’s not surprising to me because creativity is one of our natural connections with God. He is, after all, the Master Creator, and he instilled within us the need and desire to be creative. Thus, creativity is really an awakening of what God instilled within us.
A pathway shaded by splendid fall maple trees. |
Dream God-worthy dreams and trust Him to supply all that you need. His arm is not too short.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Billy Graham's Letter Hits Responsive Chord
My Heart Aches for America
Pray for Our Nation
Let's Join Together Across the World in Prayer
America is not alone in facing moral decline. Now is the time for prayer regardless of where you live. Although the Billy Graham initiative focuses on America, you can get together with your brothers and sisters in Christ and pray for your country. Together, let’s pray for worldwide revival.Sunday, September 16, 2012
Evaluating the Escalating Middle East Protests
Posted by Charlotte Lowrie
The recent killing of four Americans, including the U. S. Libyan Ambassador, Chris Stevens, in Benghazi may seem like just one of many headlines coming out of the Middle East, an area that seems to be in perpetual unrest. But as Christians watching for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, this incident and the subsequent protests must be examined from a prophetic point of view. The question is whether the killings and protests are part of ongoing unrest in the region, or are they part of the fulfillment of end times Biblical prophecies?
If we evaluate the incidents by following the popular press and government officials, then the protests seem to be an escalation of existing unrest provoked by an anti-Islam film trailer posted on the Internet. An American reporter asked a Libyan protester why they were protesting. The impassioned protester replied that the U.S. government should have immediately censored the anti-Islamic film. Whether the film triggered the protests or served as a convenient excuse to attack the American embassy in Libya and kill Americans may never be known. What is certain is that a contingent of protesters was armed with sophisticated weapons that were not available to the average street-level Libyan protester. Some believe the embassy attack was premeditated, with well-positioned assassins seizing what was for their purposes a perfect moment.
Less than a year earlier, the average Libyan protester was fighting for freedom and democracy. But clearly, the protester interviewed did not understand what freedom of speech and freedom of religion mean and how these freedoms play out in everyday democratic life. This protester and others don't understand that freedom of speech and religion means that the government does not censor the content of movies regardless of its religious content. From a Western perspective, it then becomes easy to pigeonhole the protests as cultural misunderstandings. And then it's easy to wax philosophical about how freedom of speech and religion play out on an ever-widening global stage.
But as I mediated, the Lord made it clear that these protests have nothing to do with political systems and democratic freedoms. Rather, the protests have everything to do with the ageless battle between good and evil--a battle that is being fought on earth as well as in the unseen realms. The Lord was clear that these protests are a sign of the times--the end times. And protests, violence, and unrest will increase and become more widespread. All are part of the fulfillment of end times prophecies and must happen before the Lord returns.
The Lord cautioned, "Watch and be ready for My coming, for it is near." Knowing that these and other events point to the nearness of the Lord's return, what are our tasks--what part do we play during these times.
First it is important that we listen only to His voice and His word and not be deceived by what we hear from the media, politicians, and governments. As believers, we are to fight for what is right and good on all levels of our lives and in our spheres of influence.
Then we must:
- Pray for worldwide revival
- Spread the Gospel as He commanded us
- Not falter in being His witnesses in the world
The Lord cautions, "There are not many days remaining. Do My work while there is time. Look neither left or right, but stay on the path of righteousness. Be My witness where you are and beyond. Tell others before it is too late. I will help you. Be not afraid. Spread the Gospel as I commanded. Live according to My commands. Do not be afraid for I am with you."
Important Note: As the tensions in the Middle East continue, pray for the safety of our brothers and sisters in Christ who often take the brunt of the hostilities. Both homes and churches have been burned. Some who were evacuated from their homes to safe houses cannot return to their homes because the landlords do not want Christians living in their properties. One way to help persecuted Christians is by supporting the Voice of Martyrs, an organization that provides safe houses and other support for Christians who are persecuted around the world.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Embracing Change
By Charlotte Lowrie
The saying goes, “Change is a only constant in life.” And in many cases, change is the one thing we dread and resist most. Unless the current situation is uncomfortable and painful, many people would rather maintain the status quo than face the uncertainty of change.
But change is the single thing that keeps life fresh and alive. As the Lord told me, "Without change, you would wither and die. With change, you move forward and breathe new air."
I learned the effect of change recently. The change meant the loss of the work -- work that I've had for the past half-dozen years, and work that I wanted to keep. But it wasn't to be.
It took some talks with the Lord to realize that I should welcome change rather than dwell on what I'd lost and resist the change. I quickly realized that I had been praying to get more work, and, of course, the Lord already knew that I need more work. I really needed to welcome the change as a new and exciting opportunity. Now I pray that I will learn all that the Lord has for me to learn during this change. The Lord reminded me, "Change is only hard because you resist it." And I would add that wherever the change leads us, we know that the Lord will never lead us astray.
Monday, July 2, 2012
How to Treat Others
By Charlotte Lowrie
Walking through life with the Lord is like having a wise, old, and trusted friend available at every moment. Every day, I realize afresh that He knows me better than I know myself, and that His love is incomprehensibly wide and deep. The walk is rich and satisfying even during hard times when jobs disappear, when struggling with a persistent sin, and during times of grief as well as joy. Regardless of what I do, and regardless of what happens, the Lord treats me with such love and kind regard that even the worst circumstances are made doable.
As I reflect on the years spent with the Lord, I’m amazed at how peaceful (conflict-free) our relationship is. I know myself well enough to know that I can be contrary, stubborn, and willful. Yet the Lord leads me so that none of those characteristics interfere with our daily progress. In my years of walking with the Lord, I have never felt pushed or coerced. I’ve always and only felt His complete love in all that we do.
The wisdom of his answer is, of course, perfect. So often I want others to change or to see things my way. I believe the desire to persuade or change people is present in almost all interactions even if it’s on a subconscious level. And as long as is self-interest is involved, I believe that we never truly see the other person as he or she is. And if we don’t see them as they are, then we see only a distortion of our own making.
The Lord added, "It's a matter of respecting the person's nature and working with it." A key word in this advice is, respect. Respect means to admire someone deeply, such as admiring his or her abilities, qualities, or achievements. Synonyms for respect provide more insight and they include: esteem, honor, regard, and consideration. In fact, these definitions and synonyms describe how the Lord makes me feel in our relationship. And as a result, He makes it easy for me to follow Him. And it makes it easy for me to change—to change my ways, my course, or whatever else needs changing.
As I thought about this perfect relationship that the Lord creates with us, Jesus’ words in Matthew 22:35-41 came to mind. When an expert in Jewish law asked Jesus was the greatest commandment was, the Lord replied, "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." (Matthew 22:35-41 NIV).
The way the Lord treats us every day is a perfect example of love. It is an example that we can imitate as we love God and our neighbors.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Thoughts to Ponder
This week, I'll share some of the thoughts, questions, and insights from recent prayers and studies.
- What have you done with what the Lord has given you?
- Creativity is the awakening of what God instilled within us.
- "Snow is silent because the weight has been lifted."
- When I think I'm not learning fast enough, the Lord tells me to, "Be patient. Make peace with waiting."
- We are never defeated. Times of trouble are the times to claim His victory; to restrain Satan by the authority in and of the name of Jesus.
- "It isn't a matter of you trying. It's a matter of you believing in My power to carry you through all things, and that those things will work to My glory."
- "You think that life centers within the mind. But the heart is where you hold your passionately held beliefs. The heart holds what is dear to man, not the mind. So it's the heart that must be cleaned. It's the heart that makes the judgment of what the mind knows and remembers."
Monday, February 27, 2012
Praying Transformative Prayers
If you feel that your prayers hit the ceiling and go no farther, consider what you're praying for and the spirit of your prayers. Too often our prayers are like pulling up to the divine drive-through to order up what needs to be fixed, added to, or subtracted from our lives. We pray for quick fixes to prop up temporary problems in our lives. We lose site of the larger context of our part in God's divine plan.