I met truck driver Ron Hall, the man behind the wheel of the rig in these pictures, during a 50-car pileup on I-90 in Erie. PA.
Ron opened his door when his truck came to a stop during the pileup. Ron looked down, and realized that he was dangling 200 feet above the Winter Green Gorge. He thought he was going to die.
When he looked back across the bridge, a man in a Carhart sweatshirt was walking the 8-inch-wide guide wall in an attempt to save the trucker before his rig fell. The man climbed on the wrecked rig, broke out the windshield, pulled Ron out of the cab, and then walked him back along the ledge to safety.
When Ron Hall approached me, I asked if he was one of the drivers in this wreck.
He said, “No. I am the Power Ball winner who was behind the wheel of the truck dangling over the gorge. Last night, one person won $250 million in a lottery. Today I tell you I am luckier than that person because some man put his own life in serious jeopardy just to save my life. When we made it to safety, I was in tears. I turned to thank him, but he had walked away into a snow whiteout, and I never even got to get his name."
In the eyes and heart of Ron Hall, he had met a hero or an angel. Whatever the case, in a world where there is so much bad, there is also some good when one man is willing to put the life of someone he did not even know above his own!
I have had the good fortune to produce photos and videos for stars like Pat Monahan, NFL Hall of Famer, Dan Marino, All-Pro Quarterback, Marc Bulger and so many others. But when the time comes to sit down and write a book, you can bet that the unknown hero and the grateful trucker are sure to be featured in a prominent fashion.
I hope you all can see a few of my photos and understand why this act of bravery has me in tears more than 24 hours since Ron hall walked up to me on that bridge.
I wish you all a great day and no matter what life throws at you take time to value what little time we truly get to be alive!
Thank you, Ron Hall for sharing your story with me. And to the hero that saved Ron, we may never know your name, but I would guess that when your day finally comes there will be a place on the other side of the pearly gates that already has been reserved for you.
Mike Gallagher
Postscript: "MYATG" is my new motto that stands for, Meet You at The Gate!
Editor's Note: Thank you Mike for sharing the inspiring story and pictures! Visitors who would like to comment on this amazing story can click the Comments button below to post comments.