Sunday, June 15, 2008

Favorite Books and Web Sites

It has been a good while since I added new articles to the blog. In that time life has included writing three new books, the passing of our Mother in April, and a variety of new challenges. And in every situation and challenge, the Lord has been faithful to His promise to never leave or forsake me.

I want to share a few of my favorite recent “discoveries” with you.
  • Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home, by Richard J. Foster. This is a book to savor, to read slowly and to contemplate with the Lord as you read. In his tradition of insightful teaching, Foster, bet-selling author of “Celebration of Discipline,” guides readers through 21 inward, upward, and outward prayers with rich historical background and incisive insight. I highly recommend this book.
  • The New Temple and the Second Coming. This book is written by TBN host and best-selling author, Grant R. Jeffrey, offers a combination of Biblical prophecy and the latest research in recovering lost artifacts from the ancient Temple. Jeffrey documents the search for Temple treasures that will be key for use in the new Temple worship, discoveries made in Jerusalem, progress toward recreating sacred Temple vessels, and more. Jeffrey packs the book with historic background and facts that make this book a page-turner.
  • And for those who follow the progress toward building the new Temple, be sure to visit The Temple Institute Web site that has fascinating updates, images, and videos on all aspects of the Temple.
Also watch for more new and more frequent updates to this blog!


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