Welcome to "Every Day with Christ." This is a space to share thoughts and insights about following Christ in everyday life. I will post Bible verses, personal experiences, and pictures. I hope that you will be inspired to share stories of how Christ is working in your everyday life.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Only You Can Do It
By Charlotte Lowrie
In my work as a photographer and writer, I almost always compare my photographs and my writing to other photographers and writers work. As a result, what is considered to be good, what is thought of as "the best" becomes a moving target depending on what or who is currently in vogue.
In a recent conversation with the Lord, He told me something that I think is important to share with everyone.
Here is what He said.
"Do not compare yourself to others. I did not make you to be them. I made you to be you.
"Only you can do what I created you to do."
All that's left to be said is, amen and amen and amen.